5 Aspects To Help You Select Your Photographer


With experience comes knowledge and with that knowledge you realize that photography is a valuable asset to have because it brings you back memories, it gives you emotions which at some point in time you felt very vividly and it almost teletransports you in time. Photography is just a plain powerful visual stimulant. 

You are now decided to go in pursuit of a photographer because there are certain aspects in your life that you would like documented and kept forever.

This is where your journey to find the right photographer starts. There are many valid reasons to look for photography services but the most common are either events such as marriage, new born, engagement, etc. or others such as professional headshot to help you boost your image. Regardless of the type of photography services you look for, there are some key aspects that you always need to consider when shopping around for that next photography experience.

·       Assess the reputation of the photographer. This one although sounds obvious might go under the radar. Look for reviews that indicate any miss behavior or unsatisfied customers and don’t hesitate to ask more about it if you decide to meet or talk over the phone with him/her.

·       Make sure your photographer is a relatable person who can talk to you with warmth and understanding of your needs. Photographers many times get caught on the geeky side of things and start to throw technical words when what you need is really to talk in human language.

·       Ask of your photographer to understand what is it that you want and value before throwing a bunch of packages and prices at your doorstep which might not even make sense for what you are looking for.

·       Understand what are his/her policies for unsatisfied results. It might come the occasion where you did not get the results you were expecting and you would need to look for those clauses on your contract

·       Always look for someone professional who is able to give you a contract which protects you and your interests. This is often overlooked but it is important that you and your photographer are in sync when it comes to what is expected, what is included and what is not included within your experience. If anything is missing or you do not understand, clarify it before the day of the session 

Even if these tips seem very simple, there is a big chance that you will forget one or two once you are at the phone or in person with your photographer. Keep all of them on a tip sheet as talking points so you have a better chance to walk away with the best photography experience and those memories that should last forever.

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